November 18, 2021

How to Decorate Your Front Porch for Winter

Having a decorated porch in the winter does more than increase your curb appeal. On top of making your home look more inviting, decorating is a mindful activity that shows personality and can often encourage neighbors to do the same. Think of an idyllic, cozy winter hideaway. Whether you envision a cabin in the woods or your favorite ski lodge, thinking about how these settings effect each of your senses can help you brainstorm your own porch decorations.

Inviting Door Wreaths

A winter or Holiday friendly wreath is a quick way to make your porch feel inviting and homey. Wreaths can easily be purchased at local home and garden centers or Christmas tree farms. If you use a live wreath, the scent will also linger on your porch. Activating another sense, such as smell, can help your décor effectiveness and cohesion. If you’re sensitive to scents, you can buy an artificial wreath at most craft stores. Weaving in lights or simple ribbons adds a dynamic effect.

Another wreath option is upcycling an old winter scarf. We all have them stuffed into the back of our closets. Occasionally, you pull it out and try incorporating it into your seasonal outfits before it’s hung back up and forgotten about. Regardless, you can find a crafting form or tutorial to create a festive scarf wreath.

Humble Displays

If you or someone in your family enjoys winter sports such as skiing or snow shoeing, consider displaying them on your porch when they aren’t in use. Hanging your snowshoes off a display hook with a small piece of ribbon saves your interior from melting snow while looking celebratory about the season. If you would prefer to not hanging things up, lean them against the door frame or the arm of a porch chair.

Empty Window Boxes

Creating small vignettes of seasonal foliage can easily bring color to your home and porch. Pinecones, dried hydrangeas, and fallen branches from your yard can be placed into window boxes with some crafting foam to keep your arrangement from being blown around. If you don’t want to use crafting foam, fallen leaves can be just as helpful in your arrangements.

Planters and Hanging Baskets

Even if you’re utilizing artificial foliage, inserting your foliage and greenery to a planter or hanging basket adds a personalized and rustic touch. During the early twentieth century, including fruit in winter décor was a trend in the United States. If you’re a fan of vintage decorations, incorporating fruits like cranberries or apples can help you achieve a similar look.

Warm Glow Lighting

Getting warm glow or soft flicker LED candles can instantly make a porch in winter feel like a cozy dream hideaway. Choose whatever lantern or candle holder works best for your porch arrangement—whether it’s wicker wood, metal, or a gentle pop of color. Some candles even have timers, making it easy to set once and forget it for the rest of the season. Adding lanterns on either side of your porch steps can give your home an inviting atmosphere before a person even reaches your door. Alternatively, using string lights around door frames or bannisters can achieve a similar effect.

Make it Cozy

If your porch is enclosed, add a bundle of blankets and pillows to your furniture. Try to stick to neutral colors or a contained color scheme without a lot of conflicting patterns. This will help your cozy objects feel more curated and less like clutter.

Nevertheless, however you decide to decorate your space this winter, we hope you let your personality shine through! From all of us at Homestead, we wish you a wonderful season of warmth and comfort. If this blog has given you porch envy, it might be time to have one of your own! Contact us today to learn more about our renovation programs.

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